
A fully automated simulation device (F.A.S.Dev) with capabilities unmatched. It allows a user to experience fully simulated scenarios. 

The user can select from an assortment of life like and life real stories or events.

First select the type of product experience you would like to have. We have three choices for all kinds of budgets.

The first tier is an ocular and auditory package.

The Immerse F.A.S.Dev at this tier allows a user to enjoy any of these two sensory entertainment packages. 

Caution: Each tier’s user experience is not equal and some may quickly become frustrated with the limitations of two sensory immersions. 

Purchase with caution. 

Recommended for beginner VR users looking to explore the Internet with a more interactive and personal experience. 

For second tier product users, the immersion experience will greatly expand the use of the already two sensory points in tier one, but the user will also gain three other senses; taste, touch and smell.

The user will be immersed and enjoying the full five sensory experiences of life scenarios at the second tier.

Caution: This immersion can be disorienting for new users to F.A.S.Devs and may on some occasions lead to shortness of breath, panic attacks, or slight confusion. 

A guide who is with you as personal support and guidance through the software usage (your personal Mind-I can be used as your assistant) is recommended for first time users for immersion events lasting longer than one week in immersion time. 

The third and final tier currently available at Immersion Technologies offers customers/members an assortment of experiences given to first and second tier users. 

However at tier three an Immerse user not only gets the sensory experiences of tier one and two, they will also receive the newest full sensory package which features a total of nine sensory simulations!

The first five have been given in detail. The other four consist of sensory modules that are unparalleled in the F.A.S.Dev market today. 

The first and most revolutionary sensory perk added to the immersion tier three package is proprioception. This input of information is common to daily life such as, when you put your socks on, when you open the door, or even when you’ve got to fix your hair in the mirror. 

What we are talking about is the ability to sense the things not only around you in relation to where you are, but with tier three you will be able to feel and recognize even the smallest hairs on your body, tell the distance between an object and you with unparalleled life like accuracy. You will finally be able to observe and feel the small nuances while immersing in a character.

The second sensory output for the immersion experience is the most beloved by our creators at Immersion Technologies. 

Thermoception! No longer wonder if it is summer or winter, day or night by sight, sound, smell or basic feeling. 

Immerse at the third tier will guarantee that you will feel the cold snow flakes during the first snow at the beginning of the Ice Age, or enjoy the sun warming your face while you sit in a Costa Rica immersion sipping daiquiris and enjoying the weather safely for a week in our two, six and eight hour plans.

At the third tier, the fun doesn’t stop there! Our third sensory perk added is for our thrill seekers out there. 

Are you tired of F.A.S.Devs that give you extreme sports adventures, but then you can’t really feel the drop out of the airplane or tell your speed as you run through the Serengetti? 

Well Immerse is proud to announce for third tier buyers, at no extra cost, will now have equilibrioception!

Finally, we have our newest and most controversial sensory perk with the third tier. Nociception. 

Note: This option can be removed for third tier members at no extra cost.

Warning: Modules are built by PrintBots and other 3D printers, so all software is preprogrammed into the Immerse device before printing. In order to add or remove this sensory input you must disassemble and then reassemble it with or without the nociception perk.

This is honestly only for our super adventurous types. Sure you can enjoy the two senses in tier one or the basic five in tier two. 

It is at the third tier where the immersion in Immerse products stands out for our users/members. 

Users are truly starting to see why we are the leader in the F.A.S.Dev market when an Immerse member brings in the nerve and tissue sensory input of nociception at tier three. 

Of course at this level according to strict regulations set, ahead of government oversight, by Immerse’s own committee of rules and usage, a user must constantly use a Mind-I associate (or equivalent) due to the possible emotional distress caused by injury, loss of limb, or simulated death.

Plus any scenarios at tier three set for life plans, year plans or extended plans will require a health chamber due to the risk of athrophy, dehydration, starvation, etc. Most of these plans also require one week to one year of immersion due to the length and time compression needed to fit the selected simulation.

However the people have spoken, and even with the risks and rules, tier three is the most popular sensory input for the Immerse F.A.S.Dev and the market today.

Just read our comments and reviews below, and you will see you will not be disappointed with your purchase!

If you truly are not satisfied with your first three immersions in our two, six and eight hour plans, we will gladly refund your money. 

Not only that! We will personally invite one of our own employees to come along with you as a passive observer on one of your final two immersions for quality control. 

No matter the need, we at Immerse hope and know you will choose us for your next F.A.S.Dev experience.

Immerse yourself today!

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